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Article: Outdoor wellness as an additional source of income for your accommodations

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Outdoor wellness as an additional source of income for your accommodations

Discover how wellness facilities increase the attractiveness of your accommodation and contribute to increasing turnover.

The outdoor wellness trend continues to grow

People are increasingly looking for relaxation. To step away from their busy lives. We notice that people are more often purchasing wellness for home, so wellness is certainly appreciated at a luxury holiday destination.

Easy to operate and maintain

Our products are designed for ease of use, especially for campsites and holiday parks. Our barrel saunas can be equipped with app control. This allows central management and control. In addition, the heaters are equipped with timers.

Our saunas can also be adapted to meet specific regulations or placement requirements, for example by making them mobile.

View all saunas

Hot tubs: Easy to install, easy to use

Our Scandinavian hot tubs are heated with wood, which can be a very fun activity for guests. Once the water is warm, it can be maintained with an electric (auxiliary) heater to keep the temperature at the right level. Furthermore, our hot tubs can be equipped with advanced pump systems to keep the water fresh.

View all hot tubs

Wellness as a revenue model

An investment in wellness facilities, such as a barrel sauna, can quickly become profitable for your campsite. Let's look at an example: with an investment of €2449 in a barrel sauna and charging a small fee of €5 per person, you can generate monthly income that can add up considerably.

Example of payback period

Let’s say your sauna receives an average of 4 people per session and runs 60 sessions per month. That would amount to €1200 extra income per month. Furthermore, the operational costs are minimal, with only around €1.30 in electricity costs per session.

Within two months the investment would be recouped using the above example.

What is the payback period of a hot tub?

From €1999 you have an Oforu hot tub, this is for two people. Our 4-6 person hot tubs, finished with maintenance-free Thermowood, are available from €2499.

Health Benefits of Wellness for Your Vacationer

The health benefits of regular wellness include improved blood circulation, stress reduction, faster muscle recovery and of course relaxation. These are things that people are becoming increasingly aware of.

Always welcome in our factory and showroom in Waardenburg

Visit our showroom to view our extensive collection of saunas and hot tubs. Smell, feel and experience the different types of wood with all their unique characteristics. Our expert staff will answer all your questions and look with you for the perfect options for your accommodation.

Questions? We would love to hear from you! Leave your details here and we will contact you as soon as possible.